
更新时间:2021-05-17 来源:梦见血 点击:





  浴血奋战 基本解释

  浴血奋战[yù xuè fèn zhàn]

  词典fight a bloody battle:浴血奋战。

  词典be (kept) at bay in a fierce battle



  词典be bathed in blood in a life-and-death fight [combat]

  词典bloody battles:浴血奋战。

  浴血奋战 汉英大词典

  浴血奋战[yù xuè fèn zhàn]

  fight a bloody battle; be (kept) at bay in a fierce battle; be bathed in blood in a life-and-death fight [combat]; bloody battles; fight dauntlessly; fight hard, bloody battles; fight with sublime heroism

  浴血奋战 网络解释

  1. Forged in Blood:Mountains of Thunder 雷殒山脉 | Forged in Blood浴血奋战| Path of Tears 泪痕

  2. YyXTFcVz:YyXT 浴血(yùxue) | YyXTFcVz浴血奋战(yùxuefenzhan) | YyXV 预想(yùxiang)

  3. Shedding their blood:育龄妇女 Women in childbearing age |浴血奋战Shedding their blood | 预备金 Building up provisions

  4. blood bath:steam bath 蒸汽浴 | blood bath浴血奋战| bath house 澡堂

  浴血奋战 双语例句

  1. 在随后的浴血奋战中,有6821名美国人和大约33,000名日本人死亡或失踪。

  In the ensuing bloody battle, 6, 821 Americans and some 33, 000 Japanese died or went missing.

  2. 金晶,中国27岁的残障运动员,在巴黎奥运火炬传递时,在她的轮椅上浴血奋战过一个支持藏独的抗议者,她已成为报纸和电视崇拜的英雄对象。



  A handicapped Chinese athlete, Jin Jing, 27, who fought off a pro-Tibetan demonstrator in Paris while carrying the Olympic torch in her wheelchair, has become the subject of hero-worshipping articles and television programmes.

  3. 但在几个月后的波茨坦会议期间,新的美国总统杜鲁门却有不同的想法,他认为太平洋战争能取得如今的成果,是美国士兵长期浴血奋战换来的,苏联军人没出过一分力,也没必要让苏联人也来分享这一成果。

  But in a few months during the Potsdam Conference, the new President of the United States have a different idea of Harry S. Truman, in his view the war in the Pacific can achieve today"s results, the U. S. soldiers in return for long-term bloody battles, the Soviet military did not pitch in to help out too, and there is no need for the Soviet people to share the results.

